8 Reasons to Visit Pennsylvania
About Us
Your resource for Pennsylvania travel.
Leading Authority on Pennsylvania Travel
8 Reasons to Visit Pennsylvania
About Us
Your resource for Pennsylvania travel.
As the primary advocate for emerging issues impacting Pennsylvania’s travel and tourism product development, growth and profitability, PATT is working closely with our elected officials to ensure:
Supporting the legislative and administrative leadership who recognize the industry’s value and champion effective programs and solutions is key to this effort and securing PATT and therefore you, its investors, a seat at the table.
TRAVELPAC is the voluntary, nonprofit, and bi-partisan political action committee of the Pennsylvania Association of Travel and Tourism (PATT).
TRAVELPAC was established to serve as the political action arm of the travel and tourism industry in Pennsylvania–to promote and directly support legislators concerned with the future welfare of our industry.
TRAVELPAC funds are used to directly support those state legislators who are advocates for the travel and tourism industry.
PERSONAL Checks payable to TRAVELPAC: 500 North 12th Street – Suite 110 Lemoyne, PA 17043.