8 Reasons to Visit Pennsylvania
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Your resource for Pennsylvania travel.
Leading Authority on Pennsylvania Travel
8 Reasons to Visit Pennsylvania
About Us
Your resource for Pennsylvania travel.
To unify and lead Pennsylvania’s travel and tourism industry, presenting one voice on public policy while serving the needs of its diverse investors.
To be the leader of Pennsylvania’s diverse travel and tourism industry and to serve as the entity that will unify and advocate on behalf of its investors and the industry as a whole on public policy.
PATT is “on the Hill” working on behalf of its investors and the industry. PATT is the primary advocate for emerging issues impacting Pennsylvania’s travel and tourism product development, growth and profitability.
Knowledge is power. PATT wants its investors, the public, elected officials and stakeholders within the industry to fully understand the import role travel and tourism plays in Pennsylvania’s economy. PATT works daily to ensure that that information is communicated, and the value of the industry is conveyed in broadly understood terms regarding ROI, economic growth and family sustaining jobs.
It’s all about who you know. PATT’s professional staff has years of experience working in public policy. They have developed key, longstanding relationships within ever changing administrations, legislators and their staff as well as lobbyists. PATT’s expertise in these areas provides its investors with access and opportunities to bring industry concerns and needs to the forefront in a cost efficient and effective way.
There’s always someone who’s already built the wheel, gained knowledge from attempts less successful, or seeks partners to develop offerings, products, or new ventures. PATT opens doors and creates opportunities for its investors to benefit and learn from each other. Diverse in its makeup, PATT’s investment group represents the multifaceted travel and tourism industry from both the public and private sector united in a common goal.
The Pennsylvania Travel and Tourism Association is an organization that provides its investors with a key partner who will work with them in areas in which they have neither the time nor the relationships to move forward on their own. PATT becomes a tool in the investor’s tool box.